Antidote 9 User Guide

 Attention — This page presents content from an old edition. Consult the documentation for the current release instead.

User Guide / Using with your other software / Mac / Microsoft Office

Microsoft Office

Antidote integrates with Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook.

Interaction with Antidote is mainly via the toolbar and the context menu. In both cases, place the cursor at the beginning of the text to correct or the word to be looked up, then call Antidote’s resources by the method of your choice.

Note — If the Antidote bar does not appear, select "Show Antidote bar" from the context menu (right-click or ctrl + click).

Features specific to PowerPoint

You can call Antidote on the following selections:

  • on text within a frame or on the entire frame;
  • on all the frames in a slide (with  + A or in Outline mode);
  • on all the slides beginning with the one currently displayed (by clicking on the background of the slide);
  • on text in the presentation's notes.

Features particular to Excel (text correction)

When the corrector is called:

  • If an empty cell is selected, Antidote will correct the entire sheet, including comments and charts.
  • If non-empty cells are selected, Antidote will only correct those cells.
  • If a chart is selected, Antidote will correct the titles and names on the chart’s axes.

Note 1 — Antidote cannot be called while editing a cell. Numerical cells are ignored.

Note 2 — In Excel for Mac, Antidote cannot correct a cell containing more than 256 characters. Antidote will flag any corrections, but you have to introduce them manually.